Asian American Federation



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Management and Technical Assistance

Asian American Community Fund

Policy and Research


Management & Technical Assistance: Strengthening Community Agencies

Through the provision of management and technical assistance in various aspects of agency operation, the Asian American Federation of New York tries to equip agencies with the tools and resources they need to deliver high-quality services.

How can we organize a successful fundraising event? How can we attract new board members? Where can we get money to conduct strategic planning for our agency? How can managers effectively supervise their staff? Which foundations can we approach to support our program? How do we prepare for a financial audit? How do we establish a personnel policy for our organization? These are some of the questions that our agencies often discuss with us.

At the request of an agency, we assess the challenges they face, tackle issues of concern to management and staff, and assist them in working through organizational stumbling blocks. Solutions, recommendations, and action plans are formulated by the Federation staff and consultants, in partnership with the agency’s personnel.

The Federation has also fostered the spirit of collaboration among agencies. We have brought together agencies serving different Asian ethnic groups to develop and implement projects jointly, work together on initiatives of common interest, and advocate on specific issues affecting the entire Asian American community. The Federation has played a catalytic role in building relationships, transcending cultural, language, and geographic barriers, and promoting cross-cultural understanding and acceptance. For example, a total of $650,000 was secured by agencies during 1996 with the Federation’s help. The Federation helps agencies achieve their organizational goals in the following ways:


Resource Development

  • Assist agencies in developing and implementing a fundraising plan
  • Identify potential sources of funds and inform agencies about funding opportunities
  • Conduct proposal review to help agencies produce winning proposals
  • Prepare agencies for site visits by funders
  • Cultivate relationships with funders on behalf of agencies

Financial Management

  • Assist agencies in budget preparation, fiscal reporting, cashflow management, and audit preparation
  • Serve as a fiscal sponsor for new, emerging agencies
  • Underwrite financial audit fees for agencies that are unable to afford the cost
  • Offer low cost, quality bookkeeping services

Planning & Program Development

  • Bring together agencies with similar goals to work collaboratively on program development and assist them in submitting joint request for funding
  • Work with agencies in creating new service programs as well as in maintaining existing services
  • Advise agencies on issues related to program implementation or expansion

Organizational Planning

  • Encourage agencies to conduct organizational assessment and strategic planning
  • Provide consultation and resources to support agencies’ planning activities
  • Offer guidance and support to agencies in the start-up phase

Human Resources

  • Assess agencies’ staff development needs and interests
  • Assist agencies in developing and implementing personnel policies

Technology and Communications

  • Provide computers and printers to agencies in need of equipment
  • Facilitate access to the information superhighway through free internet training and internet subscription
  • Work with agencies in designing their own websites
  • Underwrite the cost of computer software and offer appropriate training
  • Provide technical support in the area of computer management

Organizational Development Workshops:

  • Sponsor workshops that feature experts from the field of non-profit management, government, philanthropy, as well as private corporations to share their expertise and offer advice to agency directors and staff. Watch out for upcoming workshops in the Calendar of Events!




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� Copyright 1997-2001 Asian American Federation of New York. All rights reserved.