

The Asian American Federation of Florida (AAFF) is a 501(c)(3) coalition that aims to unity and collaboration among the various Asian Pacific American organizations and to improve the relationship of a culturally diverse Asian Pacific American community in Florida. The AAFF is a statewide organization made up of more than 70 Bangladesh, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Iranian, Korean, Laotian, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese community-based organizations, businesses and media.





Health Reform for Children

The Affordable Care Act Gives
Parents Greater Control Over Their Children’s Health Care.


Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Children


Extends the Children’s Health Insurance Program


Pediatric Benefit Package Includes Oral and Vision Coverage for all Children


More Pediatric Providers Where Kids Need Them


Improve Quality of Care for Children


Coverage for Children Aging Out of Foster Care


Initiatives to Address Childhood Obesity


Lowers Costs to Cover Children


Expands Coverage to Improve Access to Care


Lowers Health Care Costs


Greater Choices to Meet the Needs of Children

Extends Dependent Coverage

One-Stop Shopping - Putting Families in Charge

Insurance Security


Extends Dependent Coverage

This year, allows young adults to stay on their parents’ health care plan until age 26. (This applies to all plans in the individual market, all new employer plans, and existing employer plans if the young adult is not eligible for employer coverage on his or her own. Beginning in 2014, children up to age 26 can stay on their parent’s employer plan even if they have an offer of coverage through their employer.)